"Every so often I'll rock a Victor Menegaux edit. Dude knows how to throw just the right reinforcement on a track to beef it up, yet not totally take away from the original. He's got a good ear... and I believe one good eye."
"I love VM's edits because they are very eclectic and unique in taste. I appreciate it when someone puts in works and produces creatively. That's why I always use his edits in my set's!"
"Been rockin' VM edits in my sets for years! Two things, they're always creative and they always work."
"This site is the definition of legit! I check it before all my gigs, so I can stay up on the cool new edits that you wont find anywhere else."
"These gentlemen’s names appear frequently when I’m playing the kind of set that I myself would like to hear, the MP3s manipulated to pack the desired punch, with an eye to detail and a tip of the hat to creative programming."
"Whether it's a VM, or any other edit, I love Bar Bangerz because of the eclectic catalog they offer. I spin all types of events and am always looking for old (and new) music to fill gaps in my crates. Bar Bangerz is the perfect site for DJs who want to stand out and sound different/better than the rest.
"With so much of the same in the record pool industry, it's great to have a site that's able to cater to those that think outside of the traditional genre boxes. Not only are they solid edits of new and throwbacks, but done (keyword) tastefully. You want to add some uniqueness to your sets? You came to the right place."
"From classics to Indie, new trendy jams and everything in between, this is the spot! The lineup of contributors to their catalog is top-notch guys who really put out quality content, so I definitely give the site a look every week!"
"What kind of DJ are you? Want to add Funk, 80's, 90's, Disco, Classics, Motown and Sing-A-Long Rock infused tracks to your set's creating flavor and uniqueness to your gig? Say no more, Victor Menegaux's edits are a must for any show, set or even a backyard BANGER rager party. Do your research, or let Victor and friends do it for you! Bar Bangerz for president."